North Dakota Author: Todd Ford

It’s been a while since I wrote a post on another North Dakota author. There aren’t that many of us, so it’s best to space it out, or in less than a month I’d be out of people to talk about. That said, I’ve been meaning to write this post for quite a while, because it’s a personal one.

I’ve known Todd Ford for over four years – we worked in the IT department at MDU Resources (me as help desk technician and later supervisor, him as a programmer). And while we’ll never agree on politics, we do share a passion for writing. Todd’s been at it a lot longer than I have, but he’s been far more reluctant to show the world what he’s done. It’s not an uncommon trait among writers; we pour ourselves into those words, and if they’re rejected, it hurts. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

So I was very excited when Todd announced he was finally releasing a book to the world.

Todd is a self-described cinephile. That man loves movies. It’s only fitting, then, that his book is a mixture of autobiographical and movie reviews. In short, it’s a large portion of his life.

It’s also great to see a collection like this. The movie reviews were written over a twenty-year period, and it’s too easy to let those things slip away and vanish forever. I know, personally, many of the articles and stories I wrote in college have vanished forever due to hard drive failures and lost papers; but by collecting them in this bundle, Todd’s preserved a portion of his work in a way that will likely outlast him.

Oh, the title? See You in the Dark: Two Decades of my Cinephilia in North Dakota. You can grab either a Kindle or Paperback version from Amazon.

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